Dr. Stephen Wongratanamajcha, a former Buddhist monk, his wife Mary and their children (Becky, Nicholas, John and Isaac) serve the Lord in many capacities from their home and mission in Chiange Mai, Thailand.

    Stephen is the founder and president of the Asia International Seminary - the only English immersion seminary in all of Asia, with students from Thailand, Burman and China. He is also an evangelist to all three countries and a church planter, carrying out the Great Commission to the lost peoples as well as equipping  and empowering Christian leaders with the Word of God and leadership development. His entire family is actively involved in many aspects of Stephen's ministry.

    Contact the Wongratanamajcha Family via email -or- Follow their blog

  • Christian Children's Home of Ohio

    Christian Children's Home of Ohio has been the hands and feet of Jesus Christ to at-risk children and dysfunctional families across Ohio. From their beginning as a single foster home in 1969 to the expansive organization today, hundreds of deserving kids and adults are served at any given time by the professional staff of 150 employees. Their mission statement is "Bringing healing to hurting children and families in His name" and their vision is "to be the organization of choice in Ohio providing services that transform lives, families and communities". 

    Find out more, by checking out CCHO's website

  • Haitian Christian Outreach

    Haitian Christian Outreach partners with Haitian Christians to develop disciples for a lasting impact through the continuation of the Gospel. They are committed to doing something for Haiti that will last.

    Haitian Christian Outreach is building generations of new believers through work in these primary areas:                                    

                       circlerightarrow Church Planting - Check out Our Haiti Church here!

                       circlerightarrow Ministering to Children

                       circlerightarrow Health Care & Community Development

    To learn more about HCO, check out their website

  • Lifeline Christian Mission - 

    Brad & Susan Hammond family

    Parkview supports the Hammond family as they serve with Lifeline Christian Mission. 

    Brad & Susan, and their family first began their journey as missionaries serving the people of Haiti. They are now working with Lifeline’s ministries in the Caribbean, Latin America, and North America, working with local leaders as they mobilize, develop, and empower people and communities. The goal is to see God’s Kingdom (God’s reign and rule) come, and his will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

    From the beginning, their family chose the tagline “Better Together…On Mission.” They believed then and still believe now that when we are about God’s mission in the world, we are better together than any attempt any of us could make on our own. We can’t wait to see how God’s kingdom comes in new and powerful ways as we partner with the Hammonds’ work with Lifeline!

    Learn more about the Hammonds’ work here.


    RAHAB Ministries began addressing human trafficking before human trafficking became a recognized term. An acronym for Reaching Above Hopelessness and Brokenness, Inc., RAHAB was founded by Rebecca Moreland in 2002. After finding hope and healing in her own life, Becky put her faith into action by reaching into seemingly hopeless situations and connecting with prostituted women on the streets of Akron, Ohio. Today RAHAB Ministries serves adult and juvenile survivors of human trafficking in all of Northeast Ohio through safe housing, drop in programming, outreach, minor and adult mentoring, and wrap-around youth care with the vision of being the disruptive hands and feet of Jesus in the midst of human trafficking. Join us as God’s Story of setting people free continues to unfold here at RAHAB.


    Visit our website for more information.

  • Round Lake Christian Camp

    Round Lake Christian Camp is a unique place where the gospel of Jesus Christ is experienced through summer weeks of camp for all ages, including many specialty camps for retreats,conferences, and other ministry opportunities.

    For more on Round Lake Christian Camp visit their website.

  • Wooster Hope Center

    The Wooster Hope Center is an innovative and local outreach that currently assists over 1,000 needs each month! They aim to foster self-confidence and to embrace the inherent dignity and worth of individuals by meeting them where they are and providing the most basic of necessities.  Their goals include:

    • Empowering individuals & families to give back to their community
    • Offering HOPE to the community
    • Offering an avenue of assistance for quality hygiene products
    • Offering free haircuts
    • Offering quality clothing
    • Offering diapers
    • Offering food
    • Connecting people to other resources in the community
    • Partnering with local agencies, business and churches to bridge the gap for low income families.

    For more information about Wooster Hope Center visit their website.