• Join us on December 27th for our next F4 Night! This will be a fun night to watch Taylor fall basically all night from 7:30-9pm! The cost is $14/person. Click on the link to register!

  • Jeremiah will facilitate the What We Believe class on Sundays beginning December 29th. This is a 5-week class that shares the Biblical foundations for our beliefs. This class will meet in Room 209 immediately following our worship service.

  • Our next meeting is for all parents of kids ages 0-5th Grade. Potluck-style for lunch following Sunday School, so bring a dish to share! Click on the image to register!

  • January 8, 2025, 9:30-11:30am

    Join the OWLS at HeBrews in Shreve. Bring you Bible and grab a cup of coffee as we share a devotion and spend time discussing upcoming adventures in 2025. Please sign up for a headcount.

    HeBrews Coffee • 104 S Market Street • Shreve, Ohio 44676

  • This is a great Bible resource. There is also an app available. 

  • Please complete the form in its entirety and it will go directly to the church office. We must have permission from the person mentioned in the prayer request to publish.