who are we?

Our Student Ministry is open to all students in grades 6-12. Our mission is to simply make disciples, who then will go and make disciples. We do this by helping students realize the gifts that God has given them. Then, seek ways to help them use those gifts to reach their peers for Jesus. We pray always that God will ignite a fire inside of each student for the sake of the Gospel, and that they take the Gospel and spread it like wildfire!

For more information contact Tyler Wright 

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Sunday Mornings at 11am

Every Sunday morning our middle schoolers and high schoolers meet separately for our Bible Fellowship time.  During this time youth should expect an engaging lesson with one of our awesome teachers and their fellow peers.



Sunday Nights 6th-12th graders gather together for great night of fellowship.  We encourage all students to come as you are and bring a friend as we play games, hear from the word, and have encouraging conversations.

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